Everyone on the internet is wondering what happened to Lebron’s hairline. The answer is so incredibly obvious.

At his shoe reveal 2 weeks ago

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Practice from this weekend. Where’d his hair go?


After practice today

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Everyone and their sister is freaking out about Lebron’s hairline today. “Did Lebron get hairplugs?” “What happened to Lebron’s hairplugs?” “Is Lebron painting his head to look like he has hair?” Blah blah blah blah. The answer to the Lebron hairline riddle is so obvious it’s not even funny.

Let me set the scene: Saturday night after the Cavs first practice LeBron probably had his new teammates over to celebrate the start of a successful season. The beer and liquor started flowing. They were probably watching the Notre Dame-Syracuse game and every time Notre Dame scored, everyone would take a shot. The shots were pouring at a breakneck pace. Everyone was having a great time.

Now it’s been well documented that LeBron lost a lot of weight this season. Because of his weight loss, he’s unable to process alcohol like he used to. Since he was doing shot after shot he most likely passed out early at the party. Following LeBron’s house rules, his teammates (led by Mike Miller because he seems like the type) thought it’d be HILARIOUS to shave some of LeBron’s hair while he was passed out drunk. Can’t blame them one bit, they were only honoring House Rules. It was the noble thing to do.

Tags: drunk christmas head-shave prank elf

We all had that one friend in high school that didn’t know how to drink and would get his hair cut or get an eyebrow shaved off every time he passed out drunk. That’s exactly the same thing that happened to LeBron here. If anything it’s just some team bonding and will only make the Cavs stronger in the long run. Building team camaraderie in September equals championships and trophies in June. Love it.

PS- How good was that Buzzfeed title of this post? Stay tuned later this week, “You won’t believe what happens next!”

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