Terrance West had a hilarious interaction with a cop after he got a parking ticket

Every night I log into Instagram and every night I’m treated to a video of Terrance West doing funny shit. Recently he’s posted instant classics such as having a dance party with a small dog, filming some homeless dude dancing on the street or mouthing the words to a song in his car (there’s A LOT of this). He’s by far and away the best Instagram follow of any player on the Browns and it’s not even close.

For me, it’s refreshing to see athletes who have an actual personality and aren’t afraid to show it on social media and in interviews. Sure this probably rubs some people the wrong way but if you can’t laugh at the above video then you’re most likely the wettest blanket of all time and hate fun.

Probably could have done without the “hey I play for the Browns” since that’s basically asking “Do you know who I am?” and that’s never a good look… But I legit lost my shit at the “No, the Browns suck” comment.

(His account is private and I had to save the video and upload it on here. Hey T, an easy solution to this is making your account not private. C’mon dude.)

Video via Terrance’s Instagram

He also handled getting a parking ticket in Cleveland 10000% better than you or I would have. Those meter maids are basically the scum of the Earth and I have no sympathy towards any of them.

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